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CEO’s greetings

Specialized manufacturer for injection molds via industry leading technologies and best quality


Insung Platech Co., Ltd is a future-oriented company
based on customer’s trust and qualified and trained human resources.

Insung Platech Co., Ltd, since it was founded, has been making best and continuous efforts to produce various injection molds with its principles of customer’s trust first.
With its customer’s trust for quality, price and delivery, Insung Platech Co., Ltd continues to grow yearly more than 20 % Moreover we makes best efforts to be re-born as an injection mold manufacturer with best quality base on technical innovation.

We invest lots on human resource and R&D to create customer’s value and leap into a global mold manufacturer beyond simple production and supplying In 21st Century, Insung Platech Co., Ltd, promises to fulfill our customer’s demands by contributing to customer satisfaction and creation of values with our all member’s best efforts in order to grow becoming Asia’s best injection molding company and we hope our customer’s heath and prosperity.

Insung Platech Co., Ltd CEO 김태성

INSUNG Platech Co.,Ltd
12, Pyeongcheon-ro 37beon-gil, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, Korea(Chungchundong 378-9) | Tel. +82-32-684-9377 | Fax. +82-32-684-9379
C.P. 010.4357.9377 | E-mail. isplatech@chol.com

Copyright by INSUNG PLATECH CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.