팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.


Company benefits

Specialized manufacturer for injection molds via industry leading technologies and best quality

We support various welfares for our employees and their family’s good life

  • 기숙사 제공Employee’s dormitory
  • 우수사원Rewarding best employees quarterly
  • 일학습병행제Apprentice education,company beneficial for military duties and daily learning system for human resource
  • 경조사 Gifts for family events
  • 수면실 및 탁구장,족구장 Sleeping room and table tennis, Jokgu ground
  • 신입사원 교육 Educating new employees

INSUNG Platech Co.,Ltd
12, Pyeongcheon-ro 37beon-gil, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon, Korea(Chungchundong 378-9) | Tel. +82-32-684-9377 | Fax. +82-32-684-9379
C.P. 010.4357.9377 | E-mail. isplatech@chol.com

Copyright by INSUNG PLATECH CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.